Sunday, February 23, 2020

Sociology - Family Relationships - Marriage Essay

Sociology - Family Relationships - Marriage - Essay Example It is both a physical and a mental need of every human being. People need to get married in order to develop a healthy society where children know who their parents are and the parents are liable to fulfill their children’s individual, social and economical needs. This is fundamental to the development of a progressive and humanistic society. Marriage squeeze is potentially an imbalance between the number of brides and grooms in a certain community. For example, the African America men tend to marry white American ladies leaving almost 43% African American women between the ages of 30 to 34 years unmarried. (Newsweek cited in Darleene, 2007). However, the women of the community tend to restrict themselves to African American men because of several reasons. Thus, there are more grooms in the African American community than brides. Marrying down is a term used to refer to the cases when an individual from a certain social and economic class tends to marry another from a lower class. Most African American women tend to marry down as they usually find no choice but to marry lower class men of their race. Some of the key factors that play a decisive role in the continuation of marriage are unemployment, lack of trust, lack of love and sincerity, abuse (either verbal or physical or both), infertility, unrealistically high expectations and financial distress. These are the factors that tempt the individual partners of the couple to break down the marriage in general. However, the most fundamental factors that decide whether or not a couple will stay married are the ability of either of the two partners to compromise, the degree of importance they impart to their relationship and the time they allow for the issues to get settled. If a couple is determined to stay married, nothing can destroy it. Sooner or later, every thing gets settled down and the two start to find comfort and peace in their

Friday, February 7, 2020

Marks and Spencer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Marks and Spencer - Essay Example Its strategies in UK revolved around a) supply management b) brand power c) customer orientation and d) empowerment of employees. As it moved into the 90s, M&S needed to overcome the challenges identified above (Montgomery, 1994, HBS Case study # 9-391-089). Tools Value chain concept: The case highlights M&S emphasis on ‘value chain’ concept as a strategy for economizing on operations, maintaining long-term supplier/buyer relations and for quality control. Popularized by Porter as a competitive advantage tool, value chain concept dovetails the different operations of a buyer and his supplier(s) in order to achieve maximum efficiencies for cost control for both parties (Porter, 2004, Ch.2, pp.33-61 & 107). Using this strategy, M&S attained a strong reputation and position in UK market, where its net profit (your last name) 2 margin was around 10 to 11% in the 80s. In contrast, its overseas operations yielded just around 6% net profit due to external factors like tariffs a nd local competition. Differentiation: The case highlights the differences between the French, Canadian and UK markets. France is a high margin market and although the few customers who accessed M&S products are well satisfied, many others, especially the younger generation, preferred other brands.