Friday, December 27, 2019

Ct Scans And Its Effects On The Human Body - 1147 Words

Eighty million CT scans are done each year in the U.S. alone according to CBS news. CT stands for computed tomography. CT was founded by Sir Godfrey Hounsfield and Dr. Alan Cormack more than three decades ago. CT scans can show little tiny problems as small as a grain of rice in the human body. Advances in computed tomography (CT) scans have made it easier for doctors to clearly see what is wrong and where to start when a person is sick, injured or in pain. Computed tomography scans are one of the most common tests used in doctors’ offices and hospitals along with dental offices as well. With the many types of CT scans that can be done; Doctors can diagnosis hundreds of different problems and illnesses. They can show things in the human body like dental problems, different types of cancer such as lung and rectal cancer, and cardiac problems like coronary artery disease. Computed tomography scans are used very often in dental settings. They can show things like â€Å"impacted teeth and evaluations [sic] of their relations with adjacent teeth.† (Shim et al. 333). There are multiple different views of CT scans that doctors can use for dental scans. There are also multiple uses for the scans. Orthodontists might use the scan to track the progression with the use of braces on a patient. For example regular dentistry can use the scans to determine when the right time to take out a patients wisdom teeth is. There are specific views that are more effective for dental work likeShow MoreRelatedEssay On MRI898 Words   |  4 Pagesdifferent physics concepts are involved in the MRI and CT scanning process and without proper understanding of these concepts and how they works it would not be possible to have the medical equipment that is available today. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Artificial Intelligence Where does it fit Essay

Artificial Intelligence: Where does it fit? Machines in the future will not be able to differentiate between man and machine, and neither will humans; except that machines will be active: working, learning, developing new technology. Humans on the other hand, have no choice but to watch from our glass boxes because machines have become so advanced and we would only interfere. Maybe the future won’t look exactly like that, but truthfully, computers will reach human intelligence someday. They have already surpassed our calculation abilities and our speed of processing information. But we can still hold on to our intelligence for now. Artificial intelligence, the science and engineering of making intelligent machines through†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"The biblical assertion that humanity is created ‘in the image of God’ refers not primarily to rationality but to our capacity for responsibility and relationships to God and other persons. Moral choice requires reflection on goals and values, and some degree of freedom and individual agency, even if we are constrained by our genes and by our cultural conditioning.† Computers need to overcome the soul and body limitations before being treated like humans. Computers have no goals of their own; they can only do what they are commanded to do. Does that qualify them as unintelligent? Intelligence is the â€Å"computational part of the ability to achieve goals in the world,† said John McCarthy, a Stanford Computer Science Professor. Therefore, by this definition, computers are intelligent. They surpass humans in computational abilities. However, machines are only capable of tasks which require mechanisms of intelligence understood today. They are not capable of solving tomorrow’s problems with today’s technology. That’s quite understandable because computers are only as intelligent and capable as they are programmed to be. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Kem Chicks free essay sample

The problem was observed around the year 1988 when the management of Kem Chicks learned that the supermarket business in Indonesia was growing especially in Jakarta. II. Viewpoint: Indah Chaidir, Director of PT Boga Catur Rata. The case will be based on the point of view of the director of the three companies of the Kem Group (PT Boga Catur Rata, PT Kem Imbiss and PT Kem Foods), Indah Chaidir. She has the full responsibility for Kem Chicks’ operations and expansions since it is a division under the PT Boga Catur Rata. III. Major Policy Statement Kem Chicks is a family-owned gourmet lifestyle supermarket in the Kemang area of Jakarata, Indonesia that is a division under the management of PT Boga Catur Rata. It is known to serve upper to middle income groups various basic household needs as well as other complementary items. Kem Chicks’ goal is to be known as â€Å"The Meat People† and to successfully educate Indonesians to consume high-quality meat. IV. Current Operational Plans Management The management of the Kem Group of Companies, which Kem Chicks is a part of, has a basic philosophy of â€Å"Saling Asih, Saling Asah, Saling Asuh† which means â€Å"to love each other, to nurture each other, to develop each other†. A family environment and approach is conveyed by the management of the Kem Group of Companies where there is teamwork that creates camaraderie and trust among the managers and employees. Directors and managers of the Kem Group of Companies keep a close monitor on all activities of business. Daily detailed reports to the director, namely Indah Chaidir, are always made and are not uncommon and that is why the directors and managers know the details of what is happening and why to the organization. Marketing The Kem Group of Companies is dedicated in increasing the public, especially the Indonesians’, awareness of their goal to be â€Å"The Meat People†. Marketing efforts are under PT Boga Catur Rata’s guidance and are focused on promoting Kem Group’s high-quality goods, particularly meat. In the Kem Group of Companies, no marketing activities exist within the producers’ and the processor’s respective companies. Marketing attempts of the organization, according to Bob Sadino, must maintain the family atmosphere that he developed during his â€Å"Mom Pop† store phase in the supermarket activities. Finance Kem Chicks’ internally generated funds were fully committed and due to the rising interest rates and investment risks, the Kem Chicks management became hesitant to expand its supermarket by its own investments. Kem Chicks’ management estimated that the funds required for a large supermarket, covering land, buildings, equipment and the miscellaneous costs but excluding working capital, to be about 2. 5 billion rupiahs. The Kem Group of Companies’ supermarket revenues amounts to 16. 5 million rupiahs a day. Kem Chicks’ financing constraints made its management interested in the possibility of franchising. Operations All operating activities and interactions within the Kem Group of Companies are very closely-knitted. The Kem Group of Companies’ business centered on a supermarket, food processing, food distribution, farming and a restaurant. The management of Kem Chicks seek for outside advice and approached IPMI to provide a student field project about Kem Chicks’ franchising problem. Expansion or extension within the Kem Group of Companies involves creating closely related companies that supports the Kem Group’s mission of popularizing good-quality foods, especially meat, in Jakarta. Human Resources The Kem Group of Companies concerns the development of its human resources to its optimal potential. The management of the Kem Group of Companies is comprised of the owner’s family and relatives who attained higher education and have high potential management capabilities. Personnel policies are similar among the Kem Group of Companies, especially in the recruiting system. Certain positions particularly those who deal directly with customers or outsiders are scrutinized directly by Indah Chaidir herself. In terms of human resources development, the director, Indah Chaidir, personally handles the reshuffling of personnel where they are put into various positions until they find their respective niches. V. Statement of the Problem What form of franchising should Kem Chicks offer to maintain its competitive position in the growing supermarket industry in Jakarta, Indonesia? VI. Statement of Objectives Long Range Objectives To develop Kem Chicks’ human resources to its optimal potential that will gain opportunity for their employees’ careers. To gain economies of scale for the existing supermarket. To maintain and develop Kem Chicks’ competitive position in the growing supermarket industry. To occupy and use up more than 1% of the supermarket space in Jakarta, Indonesia. To maximize Kem Chicks’ popularity and increase the public’s especially Indonesians’ awareness of its goal to be known as â€Å"The Meat People†. Short Range Objectives To expand Kem Chicks’ operations by having more than one sales outlet by the end of the year. To increase the number of Kem Chicks’ Indonesian Customers from 6% to at least 15% within one year. To earn at least 2. 5 billion rupiahs for a large supermarket that will help increase Kem Chicks’ market share of 0. 12% to at least 2% by the end of the year. To improve employees’ over-the-counter communication and establish good relationship with Kem Chicks’ customers. VII. SWOT Analysis STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES Internal organization conveys a sense of family unity. Management has a harmonious relationship with employees. Offers high-quality food especially meat products. Flexible management team. One of the ten major supermarkets in Jakarta. Has a broad product mix. Employees experience difficulty with over-the-counter communications. Poor delegation of tasks to employees and lacks internal control. Lacks marketing strategies. Lacks financial knowledge and expertise. In short of sales outlets. OPPORTUNITIES THREATS Supermarket business in Indonesia is growing especially in Jakarta. Improving Gross Domestic Product (GDP) rate. Continuous demand for innovation and integration. Low barrier of entry in the supermarket industry. Increasing aggressive competitors. Price competition in staple products. Capacity expansions undertaken by most supermarkets. Most supermarkets operating in groups and linked with other businesses. Enhanced bargaining positions of consumers. VIII. Alternative Courses of Action 1. Product Distribution 2. Product Licensing 3. Entire Business Format Franchising IX. Analysis of Alternatives 1. Product Distribution ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Promote the sales volume of certain Kem Chicks products. This arrangement creates exposure to Kem Chicks’ products in potentially large retail environments. There would be greater cost efficiency for Kem Chicks. The franchisee may have specialist knowledge of the region or area and customer buying habits. It would not support the expansion of the supermarket as a whole. The franchisee may demand Kem Chicks to lower its prices to fit in with their promotional campaign. The franchisee may add extra layer of profit margins thus increasing total costs. Potential conflicts may arise resulting from different strategic goals and profit-optimization strategies of each franchisee. 2. Product Licensing ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES It is a cost-effective route for Kem Chicks to get its products to the market. There is low risk for Kem Chicks to break into a set market. The franchisee will pay for nearly everything including patenting, packaging, engineering, design work, production, sales, promotion and more. If Kem Chicks is to go the royalty route, the continuous payments (royalties) could last for many years depending on the agreement. Kem Chicks could lose control over the management of the business. There is no assurance that the arrangement will provide or accommodate Kem Chicks’ objective to develop its human resources. There is no assurance of success for there is a possibility that Kem Chicks may be manufactured or modified poorly by the franchisee. The franchisee may not have a strong desire to develop Kem Chicks since there are times that the motivation that the franchisee has under this agreement is to develop his existing business. 3. Entire Business Format Franchising ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Kem Chicks will have full control of the business. Kem Chicks will have the ability to exploit and maintain all its strengths. Kem Chicks will have a chance to develop and promote human resources. There will be standardization and uniformity in Kem Chicks’ products, system and operations. Problems may arise in the product manufacturing by franchisee. Kem Chicks will assist in almost everything needed to start the business including the location, size and built-out, furnishings, initial and on-going training, inventory, marketing and more. Geographical variations in market conditions and resource availability may affect the standardization and uniformity of Kem Chicks that may lead to trademark erosion and deterioration of brand quality. The franchisee may become too dependent upon Kem Chicks and fail to produce the personal drive which Kem Chicks’ system provides. X. Decision Statement The final decision or the recommended course of action is for Kem Chicks to offer the entire business format as their form of franchising. This arrangement is likely to be the most appropriate alternative since this type of franchising fits with the objectives of Kem Chicks which is is to gain economies of scale for the existing supermarket and to develop its human resources. By this arrangement, Kem Chicks will have full control of the business, the ability to exploit and maintain all of its strengths and possibly have a chance to develop its human resources. Adopting the entire business format as a form of franchising will help Kem Chicks generate profits that can further contribute to its expansion. By having enough resources, Kem Chicks can achieve its desired growth and maintain its strength and competitive position in the supermarket industry. Furthermore, engaging in an entire business format arrangement can help reduce Kem Chick’s weakness and constraints like having limited choice of land and location. Product distribution and product licensing are not chosen since both of the alternatives do not perfectly fit with Kem Chicks’ objectives of expansion and human resource development. For it is stated that product distribution has a disadvantage of not supporting the expansion of the supermarket as a whole and product licensing has a disadvantage of having no assurance that the arrangement will accommodate for Kem Chicks’ human resources development. XI. Implementation Program Short Range Draw up and prove a comprehensive operations manual that details what the franchisee does, how they do it and to what performance and quality standards. The categories included in an operations manual are the following: Organization Marketing / Sales People Technology Capital Develop an initial and continuing training program that ensures the â€Å"know how† contained in the operations manual. Formulate a fair and comprehensive franchise agreement. The following are the terms discussed in the agreement: Contract Explanation – outlines the type of relationship a franchisee is entering with the franchisor. Operations Manual – details the guidelines that the franchisee must legally follow in operating the business as outlined by the franchisor. Proprietary Statements – outlines how the franchise name is to be used as well as the marketing and advertising procedures in place that the franchisee be required to follow. Ongoing Site Maintenance – outlined are the types and timeframes regarding various maintenance items and upgrades that the franchisee that must be made in the franchisee’s location. Finance the franchise. Estimate the initial costs and the initial financial prospects. Initial fees to franchisees should be kept as low as possible to maximize chances of a successful business entry. Prepare a â€Å"prospectus† or a formal written offer for the potential franchisees know what business they can expect to do and how profitable it can be. Long Range Recruit Franchisees and develop marketing, sales and advertising strategy by using recruitment mechanisms. The recruitment mechanisms to be used are as follows: Newspaper Advertising Franchise Exhibitions Franchise Centers and Brokers Establish a central management function and possibly, field support staff to support the franchise network, and set up a system to monitor the performance of franchisees. Establish balanced, integrate, successful franchise relationships with qualified individuals who supports Kem Chicks’ goal and image. XII. Proposed Operational Plan Management Kem Chicks having a paternalistic style of management with Bob Sadino as the business’ â€Å"father figure† should progress from informal, subjective and paternalistic styles of leadership to more formal, objective and professional. This could be done by use of outside consultants, advisors and professional services. This could lead to better decision-making for Kem Chicks. Another aspect that needs improvement is the distribution of decision-making authority in the business. It is evident that the decision-making in Kem Chicks is centralized and it is advisable to use team management rather than autocratic decision-making. Team management involves all managers in Kem Chicks having equality and participative involvement in making important business decisions. Marketing With Kem Chicks being a family-owned business should use its advantage in going all-out in marketing and promotional efforts and building loyal client/customer relationship in a family-owned business can be a powerful strategy for success. It will allow Kem Chicks to maintain a range of contact and interaction which will generate top-of-mind awareness for Kem Chicks as a favoured and trusted business. Finance As Kem Chicks matures, it is suitable if it will use more sophisticated financial management tools since growing and moving into subsequent generations will make the business more engaged in more sophisticated forms of budgeting, forecasting, cash flow analysis and modelling. Operations Since Kem Chicks is growing and maturing it is suggested that their top managers look beyond the present operational aspects of the business and consider the broader directional alternatives available to the firm and make long-term strategic choices. Human Resources To develop Kem Chicks’ human resources it is advisable if Kem Chicks will establish employee assistance programs, seminars and trainings. This helps in refreshing and upgrading the skills of Kem Chicks’ employees. XIII. Other Problems and Recommendations PROBLEM RECOMMENDATION Indah Chaidir having problems in delegating certain responsibilities to her managers and employees. In order for Indah Chaidir to effectively delegate, she needs to train, coach, empower and trust her subordinates. With proper training and coaching, one can take on more important and complex tasks. Kem Group of Companies management team and employees having difficulty with over-the-counter communication. One smart way to improve employee and customer communication is to teach and train employees on how to communicate effectively with customers. Try to make them understand and share with them details on customer profiles. XIV. Management Lessons Learned Delegation of Authority – one should not underestimate the importance of delegation of authority for it contributes to efficient management. Delegation of authority saves time, increases morale, confidence and productivity of employees, develops team spirit and allows development for management. Furthermore, delegation of authority maintains harmony between superiors and subordinates. Human Resource Development – for businesses human resources or personnel function can be helpful for much more than simply processing payroll. Human resources play an essential role in developing a company’s strategy as well as handling employee centered activities of an organization so it is advisable that an organization gives concern for the development of its human resources to its optimal potential. Franchising in franchising a business, a business needs to think through the process of precisely how its business works. Franchisees will need exact details and guidelines to get their business up and running.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Pepsi Cola Competitor Analysis

Introduction Competitor Analysis is an integral part of corporate and market planning process and involves the assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of actual and potential business rivals (Murray, 2006). An analysis of competitors helps organizations to identify current gaps in satisfaction of customers as well as the potential threats posed by these competitors; it is therefore an important tool for organizations to acquire and sustain competitive advantage.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Pepsi Cola Competitor Analysis specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Competitor analysis does not limit itself to Companies often operating in the same market which targets customers with similar products but is wider and seeks to involve all those Companies that target the market segment in which the particular Company is interested in. The identification of both direct and indirect competitors is more effective than narrow definition of competitors that directly compete with a organization as commonly happens when undertaking competitor analysis. Definition of Industry This is the first place to start when undertaking the process of competitor analysis because one requires a broad definition of the industry the company operates in. The industry that Pepsi operates in is the non-alcoholic beverage industry that a consumer takes with at least one of the following objective; to quench thirst, for refreshment, for enjoyment or for health purposes. These drinks include bottled water, carbonated drinks, canned drinks, fruit juices drinks, mineral water and milk products among others which would imply that any Company that is involves in production of any of these products or related products is actually a Competitor to Pepsi Company. Competitors The most significant competitors for Pepsi Company are Coca-Cola and Dr Pepper Snapple; there are other smaller competitors but which are insignificant compared to these two global competitors (, 2011). But coca-cola is the most important competitor amongst all because of its huge asset base, suppliers and distributors networks, product portfolio, innovativeness and global product popularity that is very similar to that of Pepsi. In fact the global soft drink industry is defined by the activities of these two multinationals. Market Segment and Success Factors The market can be defined as any person who needs a pleasant tasting non-alcoholic refreshment to quench his or her thirst. The refreshment should not have adverse side effect or cause medical or health conditions. The key success factors in the beverage industry are innovation, flavor, market size, customer loyalty and price among others (Murray, 2006). This means that Companies must keep on recognizing needs and adjusting themselves to meet those needs (Murray, 2006). New flavors are continually being developed and are essential for promoting market penetration. Another factor is the size of the organization and its ability to operate efficiently; a large market size enables the firm to take advantage of economies of scale while at the same time guaranteeing global reach.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Brand loyalty has been identified as a key factor in this industry as consumers tend to be fiercely loyal. Price is another important factor in this market; the price must be competitive and must relate to the perceived benefits. Presentation is also important in this sector and packaging, advertising and corporate image is always kept polished. Finally, there is convenience which is an important factor as it ensures that the product has to be present in as many places as possible. Main Competitor Analysis Coca Cola Coca Cola was founded in1892 and it is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia in the USA and is a global company; its current CEO and chair person is Muktar Kent (, 2011). Its products include its main brand Coca-Cola other carbonated sodas and soft drinks, bottled water, packed juices and amongst others (, 2011). The Company’s revenue for 2010 was estimated at about 35 billion and has a total asset base that exceeds 70 billion dollars (, 2011). The company operates in more those 200 countries where it sells over 400 products with Coca-cola being the leading brand in the world (, 2011). It is the dominant player in the soft drink industry with its products coke and diet coke occupying the first two positions (, 2011) ahead of its rival Pepsi who had once claimed first position for many years. Coca-Cola’s major products include Fanta, Sprite, Minute Maid, Powerade, Nestea, Fruitopre, Dasani water amongst others and these products closely match with those of Pepsis products (, 2011). References (2011). Soft Drinks B everage Products. Retrieved from Murray, B. (2006). Carbonated Water, Hoovers. Web. (2011). Pepsi. Retrieved from We will write a custom essay sample on Pepsi Cola Competitor Analysis specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This essay on Pepsi Cola Competitor Analysis was written and submitted by user Enzo O. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

BUS 520 Essays - Human Resource Management, Conflict Management

Case Study- General Hospital Running head: ANALYSIS OF: ?CONFLICT RESOLUTION AT GENERAL HOSPITAL? Analysis of: ?Conflict Resolution at General Hospital? August 22, 2010 Abstract This is paper will address the conflict at General Hospital and discuss the conflict management styles that are evident in the case. Next, there will be a discussion of how General Hospital could have used teams to address the cost reductions needed to stay competitive. A description of how Hammer can use negotiation skills to get buy in for the cost reductions will also be included. Finally, a strategy for Hammer to resolve the problem will be recommended. Cost control and management/physician agreement are the main conflicts at General Hospital. In order for cost to be reduced General Hospital?s CEO, Mike Hammer, will need to gain the support of the physicians on staff. So far Hammer has been unsuccessful in his past two attempts to control physician-driven cost: First when, ?he had tried to convince Director of Medicine Dr. Mark Williams to get the staff physicians to become cost sensitive in their decision making. Even when Hammer spotted a wasteful practice, physicians defended their actions as the practice of good medicine.? (Hellriegel & Slocum, pp. 546) Hammers second attempt was when he hired a consultant that made recommendations for a ?formal comprehensive cost containment program? which was not supported by the hospital board of trustee?s because the director of medicine opposed it. (Hellriegel & Slocum, pp. 546) Somehow, Hammer and the physicians at General Hospital will have to work together as one to reach their cost reduction goals so that they may expand and remain competitive in the industry. The conflict management styles that are evident in the case are the Forcing and Avoidance Styles. The forcing style ?refers to assertive and uncooperative behaviors and represents a win-lose approach to interpersonal conflict. Those... urement system as part of its initiative to keep the hospital without losing its license, understanding that the process provides a strong connection between the diversity strategy and business growth. In other words, they need to connect their anticipated needs in the employees current job and their focus on opportunity outside their current role (Hellriegel, D., & Slocum, J. W., Jr. (2011). Without firing the employees for what they did not do. For instance, Dr. Boyer was fired because the management (Harding) thought eliminating human efforts and replacing it with machines would help to reduce cost in the hospital (Hellriegel, D., & Slocum, J. W., Jr. (2011). ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? In addition, the hospital needs to bring the leaders into the challenge, who will serve as a mediator among the employees participation to their job, performance and achievements. Following these, the leaders should be provided with employees feedback on which they can base development programs, hold leaders r esponsible and tie their reward to performance (Hellriegel, D., & Slocum, J. W., Jr. (2011). The initiatives for outside opportunities and measuring the working environment through a survey process should give the company an edge in competitive advantage. 4.? ? ? ? ? Describe how Hammer can use negotiation skills to get buy-in for the cost reductions ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Before Hammer can move the company ahead, he needs to recognize that a persons self efficiacy is dependent on the jobs with clear and challenging goals, knowing that his employees behaviors should be focused on job related tasks, high levels of performance and goal achievements (Hellriegel, D., & Slocum, J. W., Jr. (2011). He needs to be more concerned about the goals of the company, thereby motivating employees through meetings, bearing in mind that the value of goal setting is like motivating objectives. Involving the employees and managers in jointly setting goals accomplishes something because it limits the employees c apacity to respond to a challenge. ? ? ? ? ? ? However, his element in communication needs to be more openness about defining expectations for performance, while using it to determine the employees competency (Hellriegel, D., & Slocum, J. W., Jr. (2011). His leadership should be result oriented leadership style which he needs to integrate with the companys cost control experts on the details of the management lines. But on the big questions of the

Sunday, November 24, 2019

How Overpopulation Causes Social Problems Research Paper Example

How Overpopulation Causes Social Problems Research Paper Example How Overpopulation Causes Social Problems Paper How Overpopulation Causes Social Problems Paper Overpopulation Problems Others experience problems from technological change or declining neighborhoods, others are affected directly y crime and violence in their own neighborhood, and sometimes definitions of social problems are changed by society because of changes around you. Finally in order to achieve the purpose of this which is to examine and discuss different issues and situations that cause social problems such as poverty. Overpopulation and social problems go hand and hand in todays society and there are many reasons and factors as to why these problems exist. Factors that lead to overpopulation that causes social problems are the increase in the number of single mothers in poor neighborhoods opposed to the decline n birth rates in the more efficient parts of the country, how the death rate is at a steady decline because of medical advances in rich and poor countries, the effects immigrants have on an environment and the population growth that occurs, the influence parents leave on children, and what is being done to help prevent the spread of AIDS because this is a deadly disease which is lowering our population but causing many social problems. Elements of a Social Problem There are also elements that make up a social problem. One of these elements is that they cause physical or mental damage to individuals or society (Carter Pl 6) which means that sometimes people may permanently suffer before any action is taken to solve the problem because everybody thought it was not that big of a deal until sometimes permanent or short term damage has occurred. Another element is they offend the values or standards of some powerful segment of society (Carter Pl 6) which means no matter what you do someone will always take offense against your actions because everyone has different views and values and what is important to some may not be to others. Another element is that they persist for an extended period of pop) and everyone can picture that being true because as you solve one problem another always arises. The last element of a social problem is generating competing proposed solutions because of varying evaluations from groups in different social positions within a society, which delays reaching consensus on how to attack the problem (Carter P 16). This is caused because there are many different social groups that have different ideas and solutions to the problems we may face. Sociological Perspectives on Social Problems There are also different sociological perspectives on social problems such as he functionalist, conflict, interactions, feminist, and the postmodernist orientations. The functionalist view on social problems focuses on the social structures that hold a society together over time and they also see sociology as the science Of social Order. The second conflict orientation Sees most social problems as arising from disorientation due to group differences. Another view is the interactions orientation, which concentrates on how people perceive and define the events that influence their lives. The feminist orientation gives women a voice in a world that has been dominated by male- oriented perspectives in the past. The last and final one is the postmodernist orientation which, is an emerging and still controversial approach to studying society. Postmodernist insist that the change is so great that a more complex and far less hopeful world has supplanted the modern one we thought we lied in. The Effect Of AIDS and Birth Rates are falling but population is not. Aids is a deadly disease which is hurting a large amount of our population but at the same time it is causing many conflicts and social problems within our society. This disease has made people outcasts in our society because they eave this disease that can kill or make someone ill for a long period of time which will adventurously lead to death. Woodwinds and Delaney (1996) write, It is convenient to characterize a social problem as a conflict of values and duties, a conflict of rights or social condition that leads to or is thought to lead to harmful consequences. Page 10) Staying with the topic that over population and poverty combined causes social problems such as scarce jobs and resources for people but only that overpopulation is responsible for the conditions, which contribute to the overall lowering of the quality of life of unman beings in society. Another problem is AIDS, which is both a population and social problem. People are sometimes not accepted because they have the AIDS virus. This also affects the poor people more than the wealthy because AIDS is more common among poor neighborhoods because they have less money to buy things such as condoms to prevent the spread of AIDS and other diseases. According to the Global AIDS policy Commission about 95 percent were spent in industrialized countries that have less than 25 percent of the worlds population, 18 percent of the people with AIDS and 5 percent of HIVE infections worldwide. (Tarantula and Mann, 1 995 pages 123-124) According these numbers, a very large percent of the money for AIDS prevention and treatment is spent industrialized countries. This is unfair because the industrialized countries are not the ones that should be receiving the majority of the funds to help prevent the spread of this disease and possibly a cure for this disease in the future. Since the third world countries are not receiving enough funds they are unaware of the importance and are unable to spread the message of ways of preventing oneself from getting this eases. As has already been noted, the United States has tended to follow the recent pattern towards falling birth rates that have become characterized by most of the industrialized democracies of the West. Amatol (1995) notes in regard to the trend in the US: In 1975 sixty two percent of all women aged 40-44 had given birth to three or more children over the course of their life- times. In 1988 only thirty-eight percent had done so. The percentage of those giving birth to just one child rose from 9 to 15 percent during the same time period (Pl 7). There could be several reasons why there is an increase f those giving birth to only one child. In older days it was known that women would stay home and raise the children as the men go out and make the money. Now that times have changed, you see a lot more women in the workplace. Women sometimes give birth at a later age because they are so busy with their career. In todays society, people get married at a later age because they have to keep working to obtain income that is needed to help pay for their necessities. A reason why the population is still growing and there is a decrease in birth rates could be the fact that there are more cures or diseases that at one point were either not known or deadly. Overpopulation among the poor All this might give one the impression that overpopulation is not a problem affecting the United States. However, where birth rates have failed to decrease and in some cases have actually increased, has been among the poor, and especially among the inner-city welfare poor (Woodwinds IPPP). Opposite to a widespread misinterpretation, welfare mothers do not tend to have especially large families, most having one or two children with only a small number giving birth to more. However, the number of instances of ingle motherhood has been going up even as childbearing has been declining overall in the US. Single mothers represent the bulk of the adult welfare population; such births can be compared to the condition of the poor in Third World countries. Another problem we are facing is a real population explosion among the poor. A reason sometimes the poor have more children than the young adults with money is because of their financial status. If you have less money you are not going to run out and buy a box of condoms with your last five dollars. You will probably spend it on something that you think s more important, but in reality some people do not realize how big the consequence of having a child is. If you are not able to support a child, not responsible, or mature enough for parenthood it will only hurt the child. The kid will grow up with no guidance and in an environment that is neither healthy nor safe. Young teenage girls have this feeling that the father of the child will be there to love and support both of them. Statistics show that most of them leave the mother to support the child on their own with no financial support whatsoever. Americas inner cities -Vs.- Third World Countries At first, it might appear impossible to compare conditions in Americas inner cities with those that characterize overpopulated countries of the Third World. In both instances such factors as poverty, overcrowding and lack of educational and employment opportunities promote negative social patterns. In both the United States and Third World countries poor young males in particular are frequently forced to choose between a life of crime and competition for low-paying jobs under bad conditions. In the US, such employment in which employers can take advantage of the relatively large LOL of applicants due to the higher birthrate among the poor. In developing countries these conditions are in the process of being manufactured. Aloud (1993) notes for example that workers in poor countries usually with limited educational, skill and training tend to labor in small crowded factories with old, unsafe machinery, dangerous noise levels, and unsound buildings (p. 1 17). In these situations it is hard for anyone to work long hours in an uncomfortable environment for little pay, therefore some choose to find other ways to make money which leads to most likely making money illegally. It hurts our society whether they are distributing drugs to the young children, stealing, or doing other criminal acts. One important distinction between Third World overpopulation and conditions affecting the inner-city poor in the United States comes from the fact that in the Third World population pressures create competition for basic things such as food and land. During (1992) notes that, under circumstances of Third World poverty, dispossessed peasants slash and burn their way into Latin American rain forests and hungry nomads turn their herds out onto fragile African range land, reducing it to desert (p. 10). In the US, in contrast, the inner city poor are under ordinary circumstances not likely to lack such necessities as food and housing because of the welfare system we have. (Such conditions are happening here but the number is so small that it is not reported and exposed like that of the Third World countries. In the inner cities of this country the underprivileged are more likely to be driven into violent competition for scarce social goods such as jobs and access to health care. While welfare will insure the maintenance of mothers and their dependent children on a bare subsistence level and the legal economy will provide a living for a large proportion of young males, employers will still be assured of enough applicants competing for scarce jobs to offer work at minimum wage and without benefits. Fifth inner-city youth population was to decline as a result of family planning among the poor, this source of unskilled labor would dry up and employers would have to offer more to attract a work force. Similarly, in areas such as education and health care, the increased numbers of the poor has led not to empowerment but to its opposite for irregular amounts of public and private money are spent on tenting the educational and health care needs of the more wealthy. The environment effects social problems and its population A possible reason as to why we are facing such a big population growth could be the environment the adult population grew up in or the environment we are growing up in. Thus, even though birth rates among more prosperous American have been dropping steadily, the relatively high fertility rates of poor single mothers have been responsible for the replication of Third World conditions in our inner cities. Bobsled (1991) observes this: The flight of the middle classblack and whitefrom the inner city has left a population that is overwhelmingly black and poor, devoid of healthy businesses, strong schools or other institutions that contributed to stability in the past. The concentration of poverty means that children grow up with little exposure to steadily employed adults making it easy for them to see unemployment as way of life (p. 139). According to this statement, Voyaged believes the environment you grow up in affects your future. I believe this is very true, because for example my parents work very hard for their money by working seven days a week and I am happy for them and believe everything they have they deserve because hey earned it and they treat my brother, sister and myself very well. Besides taking care of us and buying us cars, clothes, food, and shelter, they also take the time to tell us right from wrong and how to deal with things in different situations. Feel that I could tell my parents anything whether good or bad and they might get mad, but they always take the time to talk about it and show me how to deal with the problem. I have a relationship that feel none of my friends have with their parents. Getting back to the point of following your parents as role models, affecting how you turn out, I believe this is very rue. For example, everything my parents have given me I hope to be able to give my children in the future and more if possible. I hope to have a similar relationship with my children and hope my children appreciate it as much as I do. Perhaps equally important, Haven (1995) observes along the same lines, private standards have also changed for the worse. Family values, judgments about individual responsibility, perceptions of appropriate personal behavior and appearance and expectations of the good will of neighbors have all eroded (p. 147). As has already been suggested, some ay find it is difficult to accept the view that social problems such as these are a consequence of overpopulation where the united States is concerned that the fertility rates of Americans has declined to the point where as much as one-third of the relatively modest population increase this country has been experiencing annually is believed to be the result of increase immigration (Amenorrhea, 1994 p. 67). Even though overall population increases in this country have been modest a very large proportion of births happen to a relatively small part of the CSS populationthe inner-city poor. Fertility rates among this population section are approaching Third-World proportions, not because the poor necessarily have large families, although in some instances they do, but the proportion of women electing to have even one or two children is far higher among this group than among the more prosperous. Interview with Social Worker interviewed a social worker that works with foster kids. I chose to interview a social worker because she works with kids who most of the time comes from poverty and broken homes which are two important aspects of life. These kids often get used to the foster parents if they are living with them from hen they are young but if they are put into the home at a later age it is harder to adjust to the new environment. She couldnt tell me as much as wanted to she did answer some questions that interested and helped me. She told me that she makes monthly visits to the foster home and she must also spend time with the children and based upon that she decides whether or not the parents are doing a good job of raising the children and if the children are happy. I asked her how would you compare your childhood to the childhood of a foster child? Her answer was that every child sees a efferent environment and as long as the love is there, there is always a good future ahead and sometimes it is not always the parents blame. I also asked her opinion of the topic of my paper and if she thinks overpopulation is the main reason for social problems. She said that social problems are caused by many factors not just one and from her experience that in inner city areas where the population is higher there seem to be more problems that exist compared to an urban neighborhood where the population is lower. Conclusion In Conclusion social problems will always exist because social problems change as time changes. We often tend to overlook what we call necessities others call luxuries.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Mutation of DNA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Mutation of DNA - Essay Example Transversion mutation involves the substitution of purine by pyrimidine and pyrimidine by purine. This type of mutation is rare due to steric problems of pairing purines with purines, and pyrimidine with pyrimidines. This type of mutation takes place due to chemical modification in a base. The chemical modification is caused due to two reactions one is deamination and second is depurination. In deamination Cytosine occasionally loose an amino group and then it is converted to Uracil. This resulted in pairing of Uracil-Guanin instead of Cytosine-Guanin. It is well known that Uracil pairs with Adenin. After Uracil-Adenin pair in first round of replication, thymine takes the place of Uracil in second round of replication. And finally Cytosine - Guanin pair is converted to Adenin - thymine Pair. In depurination loss of purine group (Adenine or Guanin) takes place. Due to deletion and insertion of one or a few nucleotides in DNA molecule, the shifting of reading frame of nucleotide takes place either in backward or in forward position, this results into a mutation. This is known as frameshift mutation. Generally this mutation occurs where there is a short repeated nucleotide sequence. Any agent that directly cause damage to the DNA alters the base sequence or interferes with repairing system is known as mutagens. Mutagens may be some chemical or radiation. Here we are discussing how the mutagen can act: 1) Base Analogues: A base analogue is a chemical compound similar to the one or four bases of DNA. During normal replication process this base analogue can be incorporated into growing polynucleotide chain. For Example 5-Bromouracil (5-BU) is an analogue of thymine. It can pair with adenine in polynucleotide chain by replacing thymine. During the replication keto-form of 5-BU Substitutes for thymine and the replication of an initial Adenin:Thymine (A:T) pair becomes an A:BU pair. The rare enol form of 5-BU that pairs with Guanin is the first mutagenic round of replication. In the next round of replication Guanin pairs with cytosine. So that transition is completed from A:T to G:C pair. 2) Chemical Changing the Specificity of Hydrogen Bonding. There are many chemicals that after incorporation in DNA change the specificity of hydrogen bonding. For example Nitrous Oxide (HNO2) converts the amino group of the bases into keto group through oxidative deamination. Deamination of adenine results in formation of hypoxanthine, the pairing behavior of which is like guanine. Hence it pairs with cytosin